Recently, I began collecting paperclips. Not kidding, I pick them up and keep them. That's something I haven't done before, mainly because I didn't need paperclips (ever, really). But now, something changed. For one, a friend sent me a link to a beautiful necklace made out of paperclips. And I have some time on my hands to actually do it.

Besides, I have moved to Hamburg, Germany, about a month ago. So the necklace will be made entirely out of paperclips I found here. I think that's a nice way to turn my arrival here into a memory.

And I do still find paperclips. This morning I found one in front of the gates to my office, next to a graffito on the floor, reading "happy Birthday to Stu" or something like that. Yesterday there was a paperclip in St. Pauli, on my lunch break with another intern. A little over a week ago, I found a rusty paperclip outside the metro station of my first radio internship this summer. 

To be honest, I've packed this summer with internships. What am I saying. I packed THIS YEAR with internships. So maybe one day, I can look at that necklace (that will hopefully soon be longer than the 5cm it is now) and remember that I once worked fulltime for no money, simply because I love  that job. 

There is another reason I look out for paperclips again. It's this blog. Not for writing it, but for remembering it. It's always been fun to write, especially back in Budapest. And it's been something that many people got to know me with. When I see a paperclip I think back at the last few years, and of my friends and family who bought me fun paperclips or send me pictures from giant paperclips on the other side of the planet.
So now the city I will get to know through it's lost paperclips is Hamburg. Sailors come and go, everything lives in reencounters. 
iten hier klicken .
I'm not a particularly superstitious person, or at least, I like to believe I'm not. But since Liselott, Sanna and I walked past the University two weeks ago and saw a whole batch of rusty paperclips on the sidewalk, the universe might be giving me signals that it's time for another entry.

Here's some evidence:
I've been on Skype with Leoni in Madrid and she told me she had found a paperclip on the street and wanted to take a picture to make me write about it. She didn't, for lack of camera, but she made me get out those mustache-shaped paperclips Sanna gave me a while ago and realize how awesome they really are. And Leo. And Sanna.

I just procrastinated from reading an article with stumbleupon, and I stumbled upon a short article about the design of a paperclip. Which is simply beautiful. 

This afternoon, I got a message on Facebook from an old friend of mine. Laura and I graduated from high school together and unfortunately sort of lost touch. But being a student herself, she's no stranger to procrastination, and hers led her to my blog! I think that's wonderful!

Because the weather was beautiful today and we had an astonishing 11°C up here in Aarhus, I decided to spend as much time as possible outside and walked to the library instead of biking. The walk got a bit hasty when my phone rang but my head was entangled in my head phone cord, my bag fell of my shoulder AND I found a paperclip at the same time. But Sanna called me with exciting news so all this was worth it. 

Now. Finally this was a post about paperclips again and less about food. Maybe this broke the spell.