So, paperclips. I’ve found a couple in the past weeks, but unorganized how I felt, I didn’t write down where.

I remember one in Munich. I just got out of the tram at 4am and there it was, a little white paper clip. I was in Munich for an assessment center, and I was awake at 4am because I met a friend from Budapest and we went to a bar and drank ginger beer. And here’s news for you: ginger beer is not beer. It’s pure, sweet, pungent. It takes forever to get it down, and afterwards your throat will hurt and you’ll feel like anything but ginger for the rest of your life.

In fact, except for the ginger beer experience and a long, long journey home to my cousin’s apartment, not much happened during that night. I did eat a fantastic quiche, too…

And because this was sort of lame, I’ll just take my notebook with me from now on again and write down the paperclips I find.